Apps and Tools¶
At the center of nearly every app/tool is a singularity container. Singularity is a container solution we leverage at iVirus to make delivering apps/tools easier. A tool needs to be built only once, and its image can be run on a variety of local compute and HPCs. Not only is this easier on the developer, this lets them focus on research as well!
All tools are accessible as Apps in the CyVerse Discovery Environment (formerly iPlant). The CyVerse Cyberinfrastructure is a freely available resource for computation, storage, and data analysis for the life sciences. As mentioned elsewhere, we are also bringing some of these apps to The Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase), a software and data platform designed to meet the grand challenge of systems biology: predicting and designing biological function. We plan to extend the list of tools for viruses as long as we continue to receive funding (and sometimes beyond). We’ve also included more generalized apps for metagenomics and microbial ecology available through the iMicrobe Project.
Below is a list of every single app available through iVirus on CyVerse (both “old” and “new” versions), as well as a few yet-to-be integrated ones. It will be updated as frequently as time allows, though feel free to contact us if there’s any mistakes or omissions.
The Basics: Using Singularity¶
Before you can use any of these apps locally, you’ll need to read Singularity 101.
Example: One of the iVirus singularity containers is Prodigal. To build and run this container,
sudo singularity build Prodigal.simg Prodigal.def
singularity run Prodigal.simg --help
If everything worked out, the final command should pull up Prodigal’s help menu. If it didn’t, you’ll have to do some troubleshooting to identify what went wrong.
Quality Control Apps¶
Generally speaking, quality control (QC) is a technique applied to to [most commonly] raw read data. This ensures that the data going into the assembly (common next step) is of high quality. Poor read quality can result in mis- or incorrectly assembled sequences. Most frequently, read data QC involves trimming reads according to their quality scores. Although some assemblers do not require QC’d reads, we highly recommend it!
Reference: Bolger, A. M., Lohse, M., & Usadel, B. (2014). Trimmomatic: A flexible trimmer for Illumina Sequence Data. Bioinformatics, btu170.
Short description: Identifies adapter sequences in raw sequencing reads and quality filters
Singularity use
Reference: Kong, Y. (2011) Btrim: a fast, lightweight adapter and quality trimming program for next-generation sequencing technologies. Genomics. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2011.05.009
Short description: Trims adapters and low quality regions
Singularity use
Reference: Buffalo V. Scythe - A Bayesian adapter trimmer (version 0.994 BETA) [Software]. Available at
Short description: Identifies contaminating sequences in read data based on a Bayesian approach
Singularity use
Reference: Joshi NA, Fass JN. (2011). Sickle: A sliding-window, adaptive, quality-based trimming tool for FastQ files (Version 1.33) [Software]. Available at
Short description: Sliding window quality trimmer, designed to be used after Scythe
Singularity use
Gene Calling¶
Reference: Mina Rho, Haixu Tang, and Yuzhen Ye. FragGeneScan: Predicting Genes in Short and Error-prone Reads. Nucl. Acids Res., 2010 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq747
Short description: FragGeneScan is an application for finding (fragmented) genes in short reads
Singularity use
Reference: Hyatt, D. Prodigal (2.6.3) [Software]. Available at
Short description: Fast, reliable protein-coding gene prediction for prokaryotic genomes.
Singularity use
Following read trimming and QC, reads can now be assembled into contiguous sequences (“contigs”). Most “recent” assemblers are designed to assemble Illumina data (short read lengths, massively deep sequencing) and are based on De Bruijn graphs (original ref). Assembler selection is dependent on the type of read data being assembled (often 454 vs Illumina vs Pacbio), source material (DNA vs. RNA, eukaryotic vs prokaryotic) and/or sample-specific determinants that may have biased the reads (high/low coverage, repetitive sequences, amplification polymerase, etc.). There is no “best” assembler, though there are assemblers that perform better with viral metagenomes than others.
Reference: Luo et al.: SOAPdenovo2: an empirically improved memory-efficient short-read de novo assembler. GigaScience 2012 1:18.
Short description: Single-genome assembler tuned for metagenomics.
Long description: SOAPdenovo is a novel short-read assembly method that can build a de novo draft assembly for the human-sized genomes. The program is specially designed to assemble Illumina GA short reads. It creates new opportunities for building reference sequences and carrying out accurate analyses of unexplored genomes in a cost effective way. Now the new version is available. SOAPdenovo2, which has the advantage of a new algorithm design that reduces memory consumption in graph construction, resolves more repeat regions in contig assembly, increases coverage and length in scaffold construction, improves gap closing, and optimizes for large genome. (taken from SOAPDenovo website)
Singularity use
gsAssembler (aka Newbler)¶
Reference: Genivaldo, GZ; Silva, Bas E; Dutilh, David; Matthews, Keri; Elkins, Robert; Schmieder, Elizabeth A; Dinsdale, Robert A Edwards. “Combining de novo and reference-guided assembly with scaffold_builder”. Source Code Biomed Central. 8 (23). doi:10.1186/1751-0473-8-23.
Short description: De novo assembly based on overlap-layout-consensus
Notes on use: 454 Life Sciences was purchased by Roche in 2007 and shut down in 2013. There haven’t been any updates for the software since then, making it an increasingly aging tool.
Singularity use
Reference: Bankevich A., Nurk S., Antipov D., Gurevich A., Dvorkin M., Kulikov A. S., Lesin V., Nikolenko S., Pham S., Prjibelski A., Pyshkin A., Sirotkin A., Vyahhi N., Tesler G., Alekseyev M. A., Pevzner P. A. SPAdes: A New Genome Assembly Algorithm and Its Applications to Single-Cell Sequencing. Journal of Computational Biology, 2012
Short description: SPAdes – St. Petersburg genome assembler – is an assembly toolkit containing various assembly pipelines
Notes on use: SPAdes, as with many de Bruijn assemblers, can consume incredibly amounts of memory. In the context of viral metagenomics, it’s been known to use 2-3, and upwards of 6 TB of memory (and more if you give it more data!). There are multiple implementations on CyVerse using different runtimes and memory allocations. However, if the job will take more than 48-hr to run, there’s a good chance it’ll fail on CyVerse. For this, you may want to install it on a big memory machine locally.
Singularity use
Reference: Peng, Y., et al. (2010) IDBA- A Practical Iterative de Bruijn Graph De Novo Assembler. RECOMB. Lisbon.
Peng, Y., et al. (2012) IDBA-UD: a de novo assembler for single-cell and metagenomic sequencing data with highly uneven depth, Bioinformatics, 28, 1420-1428.
Short description: IDBA-UD is a iterative De Bruijn Graph De Novo Assembler for Short Reads Sequencing data with Highly Uneven Sequencing Depth. It is an extension of IDBA algorithm.
Long description: IDBA-UD is a iterative De Bruijn Graph De Novo Assembler for Short Reads Sequencing data with Highly Uneven Sequencing Depth. It is an extension of IDBA algorithm. IDBA-UD also iterates from small k to a large k. In each iteration, short and low-depth contigs are removed iteratively with cutoff threshold from low to high to reduce the errors in low-depth and high-depth regions. Paired-end reads are aligned to contigs and assembled locally to generate some missing k-mers in low-depth regions. With these technologies, IDBA-UD can iterate k value of de Bruijn graph to a very large value with less gaps and less branches to form long contigs in both low-depth and high-depth regions. (taken from website)
Singularity use
Reference: Grabherr MG, Haas BJ, Yassour M, Levin JZ, Thompson DA, Amit I, Adiconis X, Fan L, Raychowdhury R, Zeng Q, Chen Z, Mauceli E, Hacohen N, Gnirke A, Rhind N, di Palma F, Birren BW, Nusbaum C, Lindblad-Toh K, Friedman N, Regev A. Full-length transcriptome assembly from RNA-seq data without a reference genome. Nat Biotechnol. 2011 May 15;29(7):644-52. doi: 10.1038/nbt.1883. PubMed PMID: 21572440.
Short description: Trinity assembles transcript sequences from Illumina RNA-Seq data.
Singularity use
Annotations, Sequence Analysis¶
Reference: Seemann T. Prokka: rapid prokaryotic genome annotation Bioinformatics 2014 Jul 15;30(14):2068-9. PMID:24642063
Short description: Prokka is a software tool to annotate bacterial, archaeal and viral genomes quickly and produce standards-compliant output files
Singularity use
Reference: B. Buchfink, Xie C., D. Huson, “Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND”, Nature Methods 12, 59-60 (2015)
Short description: DIAMOND is a sequence aligner for protein and translated DNA searches, designed for high performance analysis of big sequence data.
Singularity use
Viral Analysis¶
Analyzing viral data remains a major challenge in the field of viral ecology. A variety of approaches have been proposed, each dependent on the source of data and the underlying biological question. A relatively recent method of analyzing complex viral data is by organizing viral sequence space, often through the use of protein clustering techniques. Protein clusters can be used as a diversity metric, or as units for ecological studies when compared against other datasets, or functional profiling of the community.
Reference: Roux S, Enault F, Hurwitz BL, Sullivan MB. (2015) VirSorter: mining viral signal from microbial genomic data. PeerJ 3:e985
Short description: Identify viral contigs in a microbial metagenomes
Singularity use
Reference: Bolduc B, Jang H Bin, Doulcier G, You Z, Roux S, Sullivan MB. (2017). vConTACT: an iVirus tool to classify double-stranded DNA viruses that infect Archaea and Bacteria. PeerJ 5: e3243.
Short description: Guilt-by-contig-association automatic classification of viral contigs
Singularity use
vConTACT-Gene2Genome (formerly known as “Gene2Contig”)¶
Short description: Conditions files for use in vContact
Singularity use:
Short description: Performs mass alignment of paired and unpaired reads against a reference dataset using Bowtie2 and Samtools.
Singularity use:
Short description: Consumes input from BowtieBatch to generate coverage profiles.
Singularity use:
In some stage of development¶
Below are a list of apps that could be at any stage of the app development process. That means they could be 99% implemented and moments away from going public, or they could be a note taken on a napkin.
GAAS (Genome Abundance and Average Size)¶
Estimates relative abundance and average size of metagenomic sequences
Generates contig spectra for downstream modeling of community structure
PHACCS (Control In Research on CONtig SPECTra)¶
Estimates structure and diversity of viral communities
MARVEL is a pipeline for recovery of complete phage genomes from whole community shotgun metagenomic sequencing data.